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Professor in Wildlife Ecology and Management
in School of Forestry and Natural Environment

Project coordinator
1. (2007-2009) The effects of roads on wildlife, in north Greece
2. (2013) The effects of Oreites wind farm on avifauna, in Cyprus
3. (2014-2015) Competition for nesting between corvids and lesser kestrels
4. (2017) Assessment of introduction pathways of invasive-alien species in Cyprus (Dept. Environment,
5. (2017-2018) Assessment of a wind farm construction on avifauna, in Cyprus
6. (2019) Assessment of introduction pathways of 17 Invasive Alien Species in Cyprus (Dept.
Environment, CY)
7. (2019-2024) Addressing the Threat of Invasive Alien Species in North Greece, using early warning
and information systems for mammals. LIFE ATIAS, LIFE 18 NAT/GR/000430 (EU)
8. (2020-2021) Colonies' distribution and critical habitats of Eleonora's falcon (Falco eleonorae) in
Marine National Park of North Sporades
9. (2020-2023) Improvement of conservation status of Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and other
raptors in Olympus National Park
10. (2021) Ecological assessment of Akama Forest National Park (Cyprus) (Forest Department, CY)
11. (2021-23) Improvement of population status of rare birds in Ainos National Park
12. (2021) Identification, assessment, sharing and dissemination of best practices for the humane
management of invasive-alien species. (EU & IUCN)
13. (2022-23) Density estimation of wild boar (Sus scrofa) and mammal diversity in University Forests of
Pertouli. (University Forest Administration and Management Fund)
14. (2022-23) Evaluation different techniques for the estimation of Fallow Deer (Dama dama) population
in Rhodes island. (NECCA)
15. (2022-23) Monitoring of Cyprus grass snake (Natrix natrix cypriaca) in Cyprus. (Forest Department,
16. (2023) Monitoring of wild horse (Equus caballus) populations in Ainos National Park and Nafpaktia.

1. (1992) Biology and management of birds of prey in Dadia Forest. Project Leader: Prof. N.
2. (1992) Wildlife in Psilorities Mountain. Project Leader: Prof. N. Papageorgiou.
3. (1997-1998) Environmental quality in less favoured areas. Project Leader: Prof. A. Nastis.
4. (1999-2001) Monitoring of birds of prey in Dadia National Park. WWF-Greece.
5. (2000-2003) The ecology and conservation of Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata). Project Leader: S.
6. (2000-2003) Conservation of griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Cyprus. Project Leader: A.
7. (2005-2009) Migration phenology of game wildfowls. Project Leader: Prof. C. Vlachos.
8. (2003-2006) Predation of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and stone marten (Martes foina) in wildlife. Project
Leader: Prof. C. Vlachos.
9. (2005-2007) The ecology and conservation of long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in Cyprus. Project
leader: Dr S. Iezekiel.
10. (2007-2015) The effect of stone marten (Martes foina) on wildlife in Crete island. Project Leader:
Prof. C. Vlachos.
11. (2009-2012) The ecology and management of Cyprus wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca) in Cyprus.
Project Leader: Dr S. Iezekiel.
12. (2008-2010) Inventory of biodiversity in Elatia Forest (Drama). Project Leader: Dr S. Galatsidas.
13. (2019-2021) Fauna assessment and management to safeguard biodiversity in cross-border
mountainous areas of Bulgaria and Greece: Innovative approaches to estimate, monitor and
protect biodiversity in local ecosystems. INTERREG GR-BG. Project Leader: Dr A. Theodoridis
14. (2021-2023) Bird ringing of bird species of Directive 2009/147/EU in Olympus National Park. Project
leader: Prof. C. Vlachos
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