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67. Grilo, C. et al. (in press) Global roadkill data: a dataset on terrestrial vertebrate mortality caused by collision with vehicles.

        Scientific Data

66. Iezekeil, S., Kosicki, J.Z., Yosef, R., Bakaloudis, D.E., Vlachos, C.G. (in press) Modelling growth rates and developing an age

       determination tool for nestling Bonelli's eagle Aquila fasciata. Annals of Applied Biology


65. Bakaloudis, D.E., C.T. Thoma. K.N. Makridou, E. Kotsonas, G. Arsenos, A. Theodoridis, V. Kontsiotis (2024) Home range and habitat

       selection of feral horses (Equus ferus f. caballus) in a mountainous environment: a case study from Northern Greece. Land 2024,

      13(8), 1165;  pdf

64. Iezekiel, S., R. Yosef, D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos, A. Antoniou (2024) Breeding biology of Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata) in

        Cyprus. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 2024, pdf

63. Bakaloudis, D.E., Thoma, C.T., Makridou, K.N., Kotsonas, E.G. (2024) Occupancy dynamics of free ranging American mink (Neogale 

       vison) in Greece. Scientific Reports, 14, 9973 pdf

62. Bakaloudis, D.E., E.G. Kotsonas, S.P. Saxoni (2024) Population status and colony characteristics of Eleonora’s falcon (Falco

       eleonoraein the National Marine Park of Alonissos—Northern Sporades, Greece. Birds5(1), 90-101 pdf



61. Papakosta, M., D.E. Bakaloudis, R.Yosef, C. Vlachos, V. Goutner, P. Zduniak (2023) Alleviating competition increases raptors  

       breeding success: A case study of Jackdaws and Lesser Kestrels. Journal for Nature Conservation, 76, 126508 pdf

60. Armstrong, E., D.E. Bakaloudis & G.J. Holloway (2023) A morphometric examination of Anthrenus flavipes flavipes LeConte 1854

       (Coleoptera: Dermestidae: Anthrenini). Bulletin of Insectology, 76(2), 265-270 pdf

59. Iezekiel, S., K. Dimitriou, D.E. Bakaloudis,  E. Kotsonas, M. Aristophanous, R. Yosef (2023) First confirmed breeding records of Grey

       Wagtail Motacilla cinerea Tunstall, 1771 (Passeriformes: Motacillidae) in Cyprus. Ornithological Science, 22(2), 151-159. pdf

58. Bakaloudis, D.E., V.A. Bontzorlos & E.G. Kotsonas (2023) Wildlife mortality on roads crossing a protected area: The case of the

       Dadia - Lefkimi - Soufli National Park in north-eastern Greece. Journal for Nature Conservation, 74, 126443 pdf

57. Papakosta, M., D.E. Bakaloudis, V. Goutner, R. Yosef, E. Kotsonas, S. Iezekiel, C.G. Vlachos (2023) Female-dependent factors affect      

       sex allocation in Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanniIsrael Journal of Ecology & Evolution, 2023 pdf

56. Karasmanaki, E., G. Mallinis, I. Mitsopoulos, A. Karteris, I. Chrysafis, D. Bakaloudis, I.P. Kokoris, F. Maris, M. Arianoutsou, 

        J.G. Goldammer, F. Rego, V.R. Vallejo, G. Tsantopoulos (2023) Proposing a governance model for environmental crises. Land, 2023,

        12, 597. land12030597. pdf



55. Peace K., D.E. Bakaloudis, A. Callaghan, I. Canada Luna, G.J. Holloway (2022) Essential oils: a potential addition to integrated pest

        management strategies against adult varied carpet beetle, Anthrenus verbasci, in natural science collections. Bulletin of 

        Insectology75(2), 247-252. pdf

54. Holloway, G.J., D.E. Bakaloudis & L. Cocks (2022) Colour pattern plasticity in Anthrenus isabellinus (Colleoptera Dermestidae).

       Bulletin of Insectology75(1),  131-136. pdf

53. Marx, M., Y.R. Schumm, K.J. Kardynal, K.A. Hobson, G. Rocha, P. Zehtindjiev, D. Bakaloudis, B. Metzger, J.G. Cecere, F. Spina,

       M. Cianchetti-Benedetti, S. Frahnert, C.C. Voigt, H. Lormée, C. Eraud, P. Quillfeldt (2022) Feather stable isotopes (δ2Hf and δ13Cf)

       identify the Sub-Saharan wintering grounds of turtle doves from Europe. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 68, 21 pdf

52. Thoma, Ch.T., K.N. Makridou, D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos (2022) Age-specific differences in wing pointedness and wing length of

       European Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur migrating through the eastern flyway. Ringing & Migration, 35(2), 94-100 


51. Iezekiel, S., R. Yosef, C. Themistokleous, D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos, A. Antoniou, E. Iezekiel, M.A. Papakosta, J.Z. Kosicki (2021)

       Endemic Cyprus Scops Owl Otus cyprius readily breeds in artificial nest boxes. Animals, 11, 1775 pdf

50. Schumm, Y.R., D. Bakaloudis, C. Barboutis, J.G. Cecere, C. Eraud, D. Fischer, J. Hering, K. Hillerich, H. Lormée, V. Mader, J.F. Masello,

      B. Metzger, G. Rocha, F. Spina & P. Quillfeldt (2021) Prevalence and genetic diversity of avian haemosporidian parasites in wild bird

      species of the order Columbiformes. Parasitology Research, 120, 1405-1420. pdf

49. Holloway, G.J., D.E. Bakaloudis, C.W. Foster (2021) Anthrenus dorsatus new to the United States and a comparison with Anthrenus

      pimpinellae ssp. pimpinellae (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 93(2), 153-163. pdf

48. Kotsonas, E., D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos, E. Abraham, V. Goutner (2021) Effect of transhumant livestock grazing on pseudo-

       alpine grassland bird communities. Birds, 2(1), 23-41 pdf

47. Dimitriou, K.G., E.G. Kotsonas, D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos, G.J. Holloway, R. Yosef (2021) Population viability and conservation

       strategies for the Eurasian Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) in Southeast Europe. Animals, 11(1), 124 pdf



46. Holloway, G.J., D.E. Bakaloudis, M.V.L. Barclay, I. Canada-Luna, C.W. Foster, M. Kadej, A. Callaghan, R.J. Paxton (2020) Revision of

      taxonomic status of Anthrenus pimpinellae isabellinus (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). European Journal of Entomology, 117, 481-489.


45. Holloway, G.J & D.E. Bakaloudis (2020) A comparative morphological study of Anthrenus pimpinellae pimpinellae (Fabricius, 1775)

       and Anthrenus amandae Holloway, 2019 (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin74(2), 315-321 pdf

44. Bakaloudis, D.E., M.A. Papakosta, M. Guy-Yosef, J.Z. Kosicki, V. Goutner, C.G. Vlachos, R. Yosef (2020) Sibling competition

      affects body condition and allostatic load in the colonial nesting lesser kestrel Falco naumanni. Journal of Vertebrate Biology,

       69(1), 19058 pdf

43. Marx, M., G. Rocha, P. Zehtindjiev, S. Peev, D. Bakaloudis, B. Metzer, J. Cecere, F. Spina, M. Cianchetti-Benedetti, S. Frahnert, A.

      Gamauf, C. Voigt, P. Quillfeldt (2020) Using stable isotopes to assess population connectivity in the declining European Turtle

      Dove (Streptopelia turtur). Conservation Science and Practice, ​2020, e152 pdf


42. Tsoupas, A., Andreadou, M., Papakosta, M.A., Karaiskou, N., Bakaloudis, D.E., Chatzinikos, E., Sakoulis, A., Triantafyllidis, A.,

       Vlachos, C.G. (2019) Phylogeography of Martes foina in Greece. Mammalian Biology, 95, 59-68. pdf

41. Kontsiotis, V.J., Liordos, V., Xofis, P., Bakaloudis, D.E. (2019) Effects of environmental and intrisic factors on the reproduction

      of insular European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus cuniculus). Mammalia, 83(2), 134-143. pdf

40. Kontsiotis, V.J., Zaimes, G., Tsiftsis, S., Kourtziadis, P., Bakaloudis, D. (2019) Assessing the influence of riparian vegetation

       structure on bird communities in agricultural Mediterranean landscapes. Agroforestry Systems, 93, 675-687. pdf



39. Yosef, R., P. Zduniak, S. Iezekiel, D.E. Bakaloudis, M.A. Papakosta, C.G. Vlachos & A. Antoniou (2018) The endemic Cyprus

       Wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca) adapts readily to artificial nest sites: Response to Peter Flint. Biol. Cons., 219, 192. pdf

38. Papakosta, M., Kitikidou, K., Bakaloudis, D.E., Vlachos, C.G., Chatzinikos, E., Alexandrou, O., Sakoulis, A. (2018) Geographical

       variation in morphometry, craniometry, and diet of a mammalian species (Stone marten, Martes foina) using data mining.

       Turkish Journal of Zoology, 42, 99-106. pdf

37. Thoma, Ch., Makridou, K., Bakaloudis, D.E., Vlachos C. (2018) Evaluating the potential of three-dimensional laser surface

       scanning as an alternative method of obtaining morphometric data. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 55, 55-66. pdf

36. Kontsiotis, V.J., Bakaloudis, D.E., Liordos, V. (2018) Impact of European wild rabbits foraging in different habitat and

        vegetation types in an insular environment. Mammalia, 82, 193-196. pdf 

35. Kotsonas, E., Bakaloudis, D., Papakosta, M., Goutner, V., Chatzinikos, E., Vlachos, C. (2018) Assessment of nestling diet and

       provisioning rate by two methods in the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni. Acta Ornithologica, 52, 149-156. pdf



34. Iezekiel, S., R. Yosef, D.E. Bakaloudis, M.A. Papakosta, C.G. Vlachos, A. Antoniou, & P. Zduniak (2017) The endemic Cyprus

       Wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca) adapts readily to artificial nest sites. Biological Conservation, 213, 1-4. pdf

33. Braziotis, S., Liordos, V., Bakaloudis, D.E., Goutner, V., Papakosta, M.A., Vlachos, C.G. (2017) Patterns of postnatal growth in a

       small falcon, the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni (Fleischer, 1818) (Aves: Falconidae). The European Zoological Journal, 84(1),  

       277-285.  pdf



32. Calderon, L., Campagna, L., Wilke, T., Lormee, H., Cyril, E., Dunn, J.C., Rocha, G., Zehtindjiev, P., Bakaloudis, D.E., Metzger, B.,

        Cecere, J.G., Marx, M., Quillfeldt, P. (2016) Genomic evidence of demographic fluctuations and lack of genetic structure across

        flyways in a long distance migrant, the European turtle dove. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16: 237. pdf

31. Iezekiel, S., R. Yosef, D.E. Bakaloudis, M. Papakosta, C.G. Vlachos & P. Tryjanowski (2016) Breeding ecology of the Long-legged

       Buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in an increasing population on Cyprus. Journal of Arid Environments, 135, 12-16. pdf

30. Alexandrou, O., D.E. Bakaloudis, M. Papakosta, & C.G. Vlachos (2016) Breeding density, spacing of nest-sites and breeding

       performance of black storks Ciconia nigra in Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, north-eastern Greece. North-Western

       Journal of Zoology, 12(1), 7-13. pdf



29. Bakaloudis, D.E., Bontzorlos, V.A., Vlachos, C.G., Papakosta, M.A., Chatzinikos, E.G. Braziotis, S.G. & V.J. Kontsiotis (2015)

       Factors affecting the diet of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in a heterogeneous Mediterranean landscape. Turkish Journal of Zoology,

       39, 1151-1159. pdf

28. Goutner V.C., D.E. Bakaloudis, M.A. Papakosta, C.G. Vlachos, F.R. Mattig, U. Pijanowska, P.H. Becker (2015) Organochlorine

       and mercury residues in eggs of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) from a long term study in the eastern Mediterranean.

       Environmental Pollution, 207, 196-204. pdf

27. Kontsiotis, V.J., D.E. Bakaloudis, T. Merou, P. Xofis (2015) Trophic ecology of the European wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus on

       the Mediterranean island of Lemnos, Greece. Ecological Research, 30, 683-691. pdf

26. Vlachos, C.G., Bakaloudis, D.E., Kitikidou, K., Goutner, V., Bontzorlos, V., Papakosta, M. & E. Chatzinikos (2015) Home range

       and foraging habitat selection by breeding lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni) in Greece. Journal of Natural History, 49, 371-381. pdf



25. Kontsiotis, V.J., D.E. Bakaloudis, A.C. Tsiompanoudis & P. Xofis (2014) Body condition variation of wild rabbit population in the

       north-east Mediterranean island of Lemnos-Greece. Folia Zoologica, 63(2), 87-94. pdf

24. Papakosta, M.A., Kitikidou, K., Vlachos, C.G. & D.E. Bakaloudis (2014) Investigating animals’ renewable biomass using a

       tree-fitting model. Journal of Plant and Animal Science, 24(1), 50-66. pdf

23. Kontsiotis, V.J., D.E. Bakaloudis & A.C. Tsiompanoudis (2013) Key factors determining the seasonal population growth rate of

        European wild rabbits and their implications for management. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 59, 495-503. pdf

22. Kontsiotis, V.J., D.E. Bakaloudis, P. Xofis, N. Konstantaras, N. Petrakis & A.C. Tsiompanoudis (2013) Modeling the distribution of

       wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in a Mediterranean island. Ecological Research, 28, 317-325. pdf

21. Bontzorlos, V.A., C.G. Vlachos, D.E. Bakaloudis, E.N. Chatzinikos, E.A. Dedousopoulou, D.K. Kiousis & C. Thomaides (2012)

        Rock partridge (Alectoris graeca graeca) population density and trends in Central Greece. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation,

        35(2), 371-380. pdf

20. Bakaloudis, D.E., C.G. Vlachos, M.A. Papakosta, V.A. Bontzorlos & E.N. Chatzinikos (2012) Diet composition and feeding

       strategies of the stone marten (Martes foina) in Central Greece. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, ID 163920, doi:10.1100/2012

        /163920 pdf

19. Bakaloudis, D.E., S. Iezekiel, C.G. Vlachos, V.A. Bontzorlos, M.A. Papakosta, & S. Birrer (2012) Assessing bias in diet methods of

          the Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus. Journal of Arid Environments, 77, 59-65. pdf

18. Kontsiotis, V.J., A. Tsiompanoudis & D.E. Bakaloudis (2011) The influence of habitat structure on the European brown hare

         Lepus europaeus food habits in mountainous areas of northern Greece. Mammalia, 75(4), 389-394. pdf

17. Poirazidis, K., S. Schindler, E. Kakalis, C. Ruiz, D.E. Bakaloudis, C. Scandolara, C. Eastham, H. Hristov & G. Catsadorakis (2011)

        Population estimates for the diverse raptor assemblage of Dadia National Park, Greece. Ardeola, 58, 3-17. pdf

16. Bakaloudis, D.E. & C.G., Vlachos (2011) Feeding habits and provisioning rate of breeding short-toed eagles Circaetus gallicus in

         northeastern Greece. Journal of Biological Research, 16, 166-176. pdf

15. Papakosta, M., D. Bakaloudis, K. Kitikidou, E. Chatzinikos & C. Vlachos (2010) Dietary overlap among seasons and habitats of

         red fox and stone marten in Central Greece. European Journal of Scientific Research, 45(1), 122-127. pdf

14. Bakaloudis, D.E. (2010) Hunting strategies and foraging performance of the Short-toed Eagle in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli

         National Park, NE Greece. Journal of Zoology, 281, 167-174. pdf

13. Bontzorlos, V.A., S.J. Peris, C.G. Vlachos, & D.E. Bakaloudis (2009) Barn owl (Tyto alba) prey in Thessaly and, evaluation of

         Barn Owl diets throughout Greece. Ardea, 97(4), 625-630. pdf

12. Bakaloudis, D.E., C.G., Vlachos, E. Chatzinikos, V.A. Bontzorlos & M. Papakosta (2009) Breeding habitat preferences of the

         turtledove (Streptopelia turtur) in the Dadia-Soufli National Park and its implications for management. European Journal of

         Wildlife Research, 55(5), 597-602. pdf

11. Bakaloudis, D.E. (2009) Implications for conservations of foraging sites selected by Short-toed Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) in

        Greece. Ornis Fennica, 86(3), 89-96. pdf

10. Vlachos, C.G., D.E. Bakaloudis, O.G. Alexandrou, V.A. Bontzorlos & M. Papakosta (2008) Factors affecting the nest site selection of

        the black stork, Ciconia nigra in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Park, north-eastern Greece. Folia Zoologica, 57(3), 251-257. 


9. Bontzorlos, V.A., S.J. Peris, C.G. Vlachos, & D.E. Bakaloudis (2005) The diet of Barn owl (Tyto alba) in the agricultural landscapes

        of central Greece. Folia Zoologica, 54(1), 99-110. pdf

8. Bakaloudis, D., C. Vlachos & G. Holloway (2005) Nest spacing and breeding performance in Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus in

         northeast Greece. Bird Study, 52(3), 330-338. pdf

7. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis & E. Chatzinikos (2004) Unusual nesting of the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Thessaly, Greece.

       Journal of Raptor Research, 38, 161-163. pdf

6. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis, E. Chatzinikos, T. Papadopoulos & D. Tsalagas (2003) Aerial hunting behaviour of the Lesser

       Kestrel Falco naumanni during the breeding season in Thessaly (Greece). Acta Ornithologica, 38, 129-134. pdf

5. Bakaloudis, D., C. Vlachos, N. Papageorgiou & G. Holloway (2001) Nest site habitat selected by Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus

       gallicus) in Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli forest complex, North-eastern Greece. Ibis, 143, 391-401. pdf

4. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis, M. Dimitriou, K. Kritikou & D. Chouvardas (2000) Seasonal food habits of the European Brown bear

       (Ursus arctos) in the Pindos Mountains, Western Greece. Folia Zoologica, 49(1), 19-25.

3. Bakaloudis, D., C. Vlachos & G. Holloway (2000) Nest features and nest-tree characteristics of Short-toed Eagle Circaetus

       gallicus in Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli forest complex, north-eastern Greece. Journal of Raptor Research, 34, 293-298. pdf

2. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis & G. Holloway (1999) Population trends of Black vulture Aegypius monachus in Dadia forest in

       relation to feeding station establishment. Bird Conservation International, 9, 113-118.

1. Bakaloudis, D., C. Vlachos & G. Holloway (1998) Habitat use by Short-toed Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) and their reptilian prey

      during the breeding season in Dadia Forest (North-eastern Greece). Journal of Applied Ecology, 35, 821-828. pdf

Journal Publications

- Albert Einstein-

“Anyone who has never made a mistake

has never tried anything new”


12. Holloway, G.J., D.E. Bakaloudis (2021) Anthrenus flavipes LeConte, 1854 (Coleoptera; Dermestidae); a destructive pest of natural

            history specimens. Journal of Natural Science Collections8, 39-43. pdf

11. Holloway, G.J., D.E. Bakaloudis (2019) New distributional record of Anthrenus dorsatus Mulsant & Rey, 1868 (Coleoptera,

           Dermestidae), Thessaloniki, Greece. Check List, 15, 1077-1081. pdf

10. Makridou, K.N., C.T. Thoma, D.E. Bakaloudis, C.G. Vlachos (2019) Sexual dimorphism of Testudo tortoises from an unstudied

           population in northeast Greece. Herpetology Notes, 12, 229-233.

9. Bakaloudis, D.E. (2016) Livestock grazing, openings and raptors conservation in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National

           Park. Option Mediterraneennes, A, 114, 437-440. pdf

8. Papakosta, M.A., K. Kitikidou, D.E. Bakaloudis & C.G. Vlachos (2014) Dietary variation of the stone marten (Martes foina): A

           meta-analysis approach. Wildlife Biology in Practice, 10(2), 85-101. pdf

7. Bakaloudis, D.E. (2013) A preliminary overview of monitoring for raptors in Greece. Acrocephalus, 33, 293-295. pdf

6. Tsiompanoudis, A.H., V.J. Kontsiotis & D.E. Bakaloudis (2011) Observations of breeding and wintering European quail

          Coturnix coturnix in northern Greece. International Journal of Galliformes Conservation, 2, 38-39. pdf

5. Tsiompanoudis, A.Ch., V.J. Kontsiotis & D.E. Bakaloudis (2010) Habitat selection of the Shelduck Tadorna tadorna (Aves:

           Anseriformes) in Evros Delta, Greece. Ecologia Balkanica, 2, 57-60. pdf

4. Vlachos, C., K. Kitikidou, D. Bakaloudis, M. Papakosta & E. Chatzinikos (2010) Analyses of the food habits of the red fox and

           the stone marten in Central Greece using a tree-fitting model. Animal Production Research Advances, 6(1), 7-13. pdf

3. Alexandrou, O., C.G. Vlachos & D.E. Bakaloudis (2008)  Goshawks Accipiter gentilis nest-site and stand preferences in the

          Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli forest, northeastern Greece. Avocetta, 32, 5-11. pdf

2. Holloway, G.J. & D.E. Bakaloudis (1998) In search of Europe's Snake Eagle. The Biologist, 45(1), 33-36.

1. Papageorgiou, N., C. Vlachos, & D. Bakaloudis (1993) Diet and nest site characteristics of Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) breeding in

           two different habitats in north-eastern Greece. Avocetta, 17, 49-54. pdf

Articles in Proceedings of Conferences

6. Bakaloudis, D.E., C. Vlachos, Th. Merou, V. Bontzorlos & J. Takos (2007) The effect of two road categories on wildlife in Dadia-

            Lefkimi-Soufli National Park, north-eastern Greece. In: ‘ECOLOGY’. (ed. I. Genov). Pages 13-19. Science Invest Ltd.

            Bulgaria. pdf

5. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis & E. Chatzinikos (2004) The status of the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Thessaly, central

            Greece. In: Raptors Worldwide. (eds Chancellor, R.D. & B.-U. Meyburg), Pages 731-736. WWGBPO/MME, Germany. pdf

4. Iezekiel, S., D. Bakaloudis & C. Vlachos (2004) The diet of the Bonelli’s Eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus) in Cyprus. In: Raptors

            Worldwide. (eds Chancellor, R.D. & B.-U. Meyburg), Pages 581-587. WWGBPO/MME, Germany. pdf

3. Iezekiel, S., D. Bakaloudis & C. Vlachos (2004) The status and conservation of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Cyprus. In:

            Raptors Worldwide. (eds Chancellor, R.D. & B.-U. Meyburg), Pages 67-73. WWGBPO/MME, Germany. pdf

2. Bakaloudis, D., C. Vlachos, A. Nastis & G. Holloway (1998) Distribution of raptors and reptiles in different habitat types in

            Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli forest complex, North-eastern Greece. In: Landscapes, Livestock and Livelihoods in European Less

            Favoured Areas. (eds. A. Waterhouse & E. McEwan). Pages 63-67. SAC Auchincruive, Ayr, U.K. pdf

1. Vlachos, C., N. Papageorgiou & D. Bakaloudis (1995) Effects of the feeding station establishment on the Egyptian Vulture

             population in Dadia Forest, North-eastern Greece. In: Holarctic Birds of Prey. (eds. R.D. Chancellor, B.-U. Meyburg & J.J.

             Ferrero). Pages 197-207. ADENEX-WWGBP, Berlin. pdf

Chapters in Books

3. Bakaloudis, D.E. & C.G. Vlachos (2011) Ecology and conservation of the short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in NE Greece. In:

            Ecology and Conservation of European Forest-Dwelling Raptors. (eds I. Zuberogoitia & J.E. Martínez). Pages 211-218. Dep.

            De Agricultura de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia. Spain. pdf

2. Poirazidis, K., S. Schindler, E. Kakalis, C. Ruiz, D. Bakaloudis, C. Scandolara, C. Eastman, H. Hristov & G. Catsadorakis (2010)

            Diurnal birds of prey in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park: long-term population trends and habitat

            preferences. In: The Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Park: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation. (Eds. G.

            Catsadorakis & H. Källander). Pages 151-167. WWF Greece, Athens. pdf

1. Bakaloudis, D.E. (2010) Spatial and temporal variation of reptiles. In: The Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Park: Biodiversity,

            Management and Conservation. (Eds. G. Catsadorakis & H. Källander). Pages 139-150. WWF Greece, Athens. pdf


2. Bakaloudis, D.E. & C.G. Vlachos. (2009) Wildlife Management: Concepts and Applications. Tziolas Publication, Thessaloniki.

             288 pp. [in Greek]

1. Bakaloudis, D.E. (2008) Wildlife Biology. Giahoudis Publication, Thessaloniki. 413 pp. [in Greek]

Presentations at Conferences

1. Vlachos, C., N. Papageorgiou & D. Bakaloudis (1995) Effects of the feeding station establishment on the Egyptian Vulture

          population in Dadia Forest, North-eastern Greece. In: Holarctic Birds of Prey (eds. R.D. Chancellor, B.-U. Meyburg & J.J.

          Ferrero). Pages 197-207. ADENEX-WWGBP, Berlin.

2. Vlachos, C., N. Papageorgiou, & D. Bakaloudis (1996) Nesting habitat selection, food habits and reproductive success of Black

          Stork (Ciconia nigra) in Province of Evros, North-eastern Greece. II International Conference on the Black Stork, Trujillo,

          Extremadura, Spain.

3. Bakaloudis, D.E., C.G. Vlachos & G.J. Holloway (1997) Nest-site selection by Short-toed Eagles (Circaetus gallicus) in Dadia-

          Soufli forest, NE Greece. Winter and Annual General Meeting of British Ecological Society. Page 100 in Abstracts.

          University of Warwick, 16 – 18 December 1997, United Kingdom.

4. Holloway, G.J. & D.E. Bakaloudis (1997) The ecology of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in Dadia-Soufli forest, NE

          Greece. Winter and Annual General Meeting of British Ecological Society. Page 50 in Abstracts. University of Warwick, 16 - 

          18 December 1997, United Kingdom.

5. Bakaloudis, D., C. Vlachos, A. Nastis & G. Holloway (1998) Distribution of raptors and reptiles in different habitat types in

          Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli forest complex, North-eastern Greece. In Landscapes, Livestock and Livelihoods in European Less

          Favoured Areas. (eds. A. Waterhouse & E. McEwan). Pages 63-67. SAC Auchincruive, Ayr, U.K.

6. Bakaloudis, D.E., C.G. Vlachos & G.J. Holloway (1999) Nest features and nest-tree characteristics of Short-toed Eagle Circaetus

          gallicus in Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli forest complex, north-eastern Greece. 3rd Eurasian Conference of Raptor Research

          Foundation, Mikulov 21-26 September, Czech Republic.

7. Vlachos, C.G. &  D.E. Bakaloudis (1999) The status of birds of prey and their management problems in the Dadia-Lefkimi-

          Soufli Forest Complex. In: Modern Problems in Forestry, Pages 527-533. Hellenic Forest Society. [in Greek]

8. Bakaloudis, D., C. Vlachos & E. Chatzinikos (2000) Breeding success in the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni in Thessaly, Central

          Greece. International Conference ‘Birds of Prey and Owls 2000’, Mikulov 24-26 November, Czech Republic.

9. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis & E. Chatzinikos (2000) Unusual breeding of Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni in Thessaly, Central

          Greece. International Conference ‘Birds of Prey and Owls 2000’, Mikulov 24-26 November, Czech Republic.

10. Iezekiel, S., D. Bakaloudis, C. Vlachos & A. Legakis (2001) Nest-sites selection by Bonelli’s Eagles Hieraaetus fasciatus in

          Cyprus. 4th Eurasian Congress on Raptors. Page 93 in Abstracts. Seville 25-29 September, Spain.

11. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis & E. Chatzinikos (2001) Unusual nesting of Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Thessaly, Greece.

          4th Eurasian Congress on Raptors, Seville 25-29 September, Spain.

12. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis, E. Chatzinikos, T. Papadopoulos & D. Tsalagas (2001) Aerial hunting behaviour of Lesser Kestrel

          (Falco naumanni) during the breeding season in Thessaly, Greece. 4th Eurasian Congress on Raptors. Page 196 in Abstracts.

          Seville 25-29 September, Spain.

13. Bakaloudis, D.E. (2003) Aspects of the ecology of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) in Dadia-Soufli forest, NE Greece.

          WWGBPO, Germany. Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls, Budapest 18-23 May, Hungary.

14. Bontzorlos, V.A., S.J. Peris, C.G. Vlachos & D.E. Bakaloudis (2004) The diet of Barn owl (Tyto alba) in an agricultural

          landscape of Central Greece. International Symposium on Ecology and Conservation of Steppe-Land Birds. Lleida 3-7

          December, Spain.

15. Bakaloudis, D.E., C. Vlachos & E. Chatzinikos (2005) Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) response to habitat structure in Dadia-

          Soufli forest: Implications for management. In: Extended Abstracts of the XXVIIth Congress of the International Union of

          Game Biologists, Hannover 2005, (ed. K. Pohlmeyer). Pages 272-273, DSV-Verlag Hamburg, Germany.

16. Dedousopoulou, E., D.E. Bakaloudis, C. Vlachos & E. Chatzinikos (2005) Investigation of phenotypic differences of brown

          hare (Lepus europaeus) based on craniometrical measurements in Greece. In: Extended Abstracts of the XXVIIth Congress

          of the International Union of Game Biologists, Hannover 2005, (ed. K. Pohlmeyer). Pages 319-320, DSV-Verlag Hamburg,


17. Poirazidis, K., S. Schindler, E. Kakalis, C. Ruiz, D. Bakaloudis, C. Scandolara, C. Eastham, H. Hristov & G. Catsadorakis (2006)

          Population status and trends of diurnal birds of prey in Dadia National Park, Thrace, NE Greece. International Conference 

          on Zoogeography, Patra, Greece.

18. Diamantopoulou, M., E. Milios, I. Bistinas, D. Doganos & D. Bakaloudis (2006) Multivariate analysis for the interpretation of

          the behaviour of some quantitative variables of reforestation pine-trees. Chania, Greece.

19. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis, E. Chatzinikos, M. Papakosta, S. Braziotis and D. Ntikou (2006) The effect of red fox (Vulpes

          vulpes) predation on biodiversity in Mediterranean ecosystems. In 3rd International Congress HES and HZS "Ecology and

          Conservation of Biodiversity", Page 53 in abstracts. Ioannina, 16-19 November. [in Greek]

20. Bakaloudis, D.E. & C.G. Vlachos (2006) The effect of roads on biodiversity: The case of Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Park. In

          3rd International Congress HES and HZS "Ecology and Conservation of Biodiversity", Page 93 in abstracts. Ioannina, 16-19


21. Bakaloudis, D.E., C.G. Vlachos, E. Chatzinikos, M. Papakosta & K. Intzes (2006) Diet diversity of stone marten (Martes foina)

          in Mediterranean ecosystems. In 3rd International Congress HES and HZS "Ecology and Conservation of Biodiversity", Page

          73 in abstracts. Ioannina, 16-19 November. [in Greek]

22. Bakaloudis, D.E., C. Vlachos, Th. Merou, V. Bontzorlos & J. Takos (2007) The effect of two road categories on wildlife in Dadia-

          Lefkimi-Soufli National Park, north-eastern Greece. In: ‘ECOLOGY’. (ed. I. Genov). Pages 13-19. Science Invest Ltd. Bulgaria.

23. Bakaloudis, D.E., C. Vlachos, M. Papakosta, E. Chatzinikos, V. Bontzorlos & K. Intzes (2007) Is the stone marten (Martes foina)

          a carnivorous or a frugivorous predator? A four diet techniques analysis approach in a Mediterranean ecosystem. In: Book

          of Abstracts of the International Union of Game Biologists XXVIII Congress. (eds K. Sjöberg & T. Rooke). Page 227. Uppsala

          2007, Sweden.

24. Bontzorlos, V.A., S.J. Peris, D.E. Bakaloudis & C.G. Vlachos (2007) Is the Pygmy white-toothed shrew (Suncus etruscus) a

          common and abundant specie in Central Greece. In: “Hystrix The Italian Journal of Mammalogy Vol II, Supp”. Page 193. V

          European congress of Mammalogy. Siena, Italy, 21-26 September.

25. Bontzorlos, V.A., S.J. Peris, C.G. Vlachos & D.E. Bakaloudis (2007) The trophic ecology of Barn owl (Tyto alba, Scopoli 1769) in

          Central Greece: Review and comparisons. World Owl Conference. Groningen, Netherlands, 31 October - 4 November.

26. Bontzorlos, V.A., S.J. Peris, C.G. Vlachos & D.E. Bakaloudis (2007) Barn owl (Tyto alba, Scopoli 1769) winter energetics highly

          depend upon predation: The case of Thessaly, Central Greece. World Owl Conference. Groningen, Netherlands, 31 October -

          4 November.

27. Bontzorlos, V.A., S.J. Peris, C.G. Vlachos & D.E. Bakaloudis (2007) High Brown and Black rat (Rattus norvegicus & R. rattus)

          biomass contribution in the Barn owl diet during non-breeding season in Central Greece, Thessaly. In: “Hystrix The Italian

          Journal of Mammalogy Vol II, Supp”. Page 66. V European congress of Mammalogy. Siena, Italy, 21-26 September.

28. Bontzorlos, V.A., S.J. Peris, C.G. Vlachos & D.E. Bakaloudis (2007) New data on the distribution of three Insectivora species in

          Thessaly, central Greece. In: “VIII Jornadas de la SECEM, Huelva 2007 – (Congress of the Spanish Society of

          Mammalogists)”. Page 23. Huelva, Spain, 5-8 December.

29. Kontsiotis, V., C. Vlachos, D. Bakaloudis, N. Paralikidis, & A. Tsiompanoudis (2007) Weight prediction of hunted brown hares

          (Lepus europaeus) from predators. Page 99, in Extended Abstracts of 5th International Congress of Wild Fauna. 22-27

          September, Porto Carras Grand Resort, Chalkidiki, Greece.

30. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis, E. Chatzinikos, M. Papakosta & S. Braziotis (2007) The impact of a medium-sized predator on

          game mammals: the case of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in central Greece. In:  Book of Abstracts of the International Union

          of Game Biologists XXVIII Congress. (eds K. Sjöberg & T. Rooke). Page 125. Uppsala 2007, Sweden .

31. Vlachos, C., D. Bakaloudis, E. Chatzinikos, M. Papakosta, S. Braziotis & V. Bontzorlos (2007) Predation on ground nesting

          birds by using artificial nests with quail eggs. In: Book of Abstracts of the International Union of Game Biologists XXVIII

          Congress. (eds K. Sjöberg & T. Rooke). Page 246. Uppsala 2007, Sweden.

32. Vlachos, C.G., D.E. Bakaloudis, M. Papakosta, K. Kitikidou, E. Chatzinikos & S. Braziotis (2007) Food diversity and overlap

          between red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and stone marten (Martes foina) in Central Greece. Hellenic Forestry Society. Kastoria,

          Greece. [in Greek]

33. Bakaloudis, D.E., C.G. Vlachos & V.A. Bontzorlos (2008) Effects of ecotourism on vultures’ presence at a feeding station in

          Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Park, NE Greece. 17th International SymposiumECOLOGY & SAFETY’. Sunny Beach Resort,

          9 - 13 June, Bulgaria.

34. Bakaloudis D.E., C.G. Vlachos, E. Chatzinikos, V.A. Bontzorlos, E.A. Dedousopoulou, D.K. Kiousis & M. Papakosta (2009)

          European hare (Lepus europaeus) density response in Mediterranean ecosystems. XXIX International Congress of Game

          Biologists IUGB. Moscow, 17-22 August, Russia.

35. Bontzorlos, V.A., S.J. Peris, C.G. Vlachos, D.E. Bakaloudis & I. Torre (2009) Barn owl feeding habits in Mediterranean

          agro-ecosystems of Central Greece: spatial and temporal diet patterns. Raptor Research Foundation Annual Congress.

          Pitolchry, Scotland, 29 September - 4 October.

36. Bontzorlos, V.A., S.J. Peris, C.G. Vlachos, D.E. Bakaloudis & I. Torre (2009) Recreation of Karla Lake in central Greece: does 

          it produce an optimum foraging habitat for Barn owls? Raptor Research Foundation Annual Congress. Pitolchry, 29

          September - 4 October, Scotland.

37. Kotsonas, E., Dimitriou, K., Thoma, Ch., Makridou, K. & D.E. Bakaloudis (2014) Impact of rangeland management on raptors.

          Proceedings of the 8th Panhellenic Rangeland Congress, Thessaloniki, 1-3 October, pages 299- 304. (In Greek with Summary

           in English)

38. Makridou, K.N., C.T. Thoma, K. Dimitriou, E.G. Kotsonas, & D.E. Bakaloudis (2014) Spatial diversity of herpetofauna in Dadia-

          Lefkimi-Soufli National Park. Proceedings of the 8th Panhellenic Rangeland Congress, Thessaloniki, 1-3 October, pages 311-

          316. (In Greek with Summary in English)

39. Thoma, C., Makridou, K. & Bakaloudis, D. (2016) Assessment of habitat suitability for the Balkan Lynx (Lynx lynx

          balcanicus) in Greece. Proceedings of 8th Congress of the Hellenic Ecological Society: 150+ Years of Ecology – Structures,

          Dynamics and Survival Strategies. Page 259. Thessaloniki, 20-23 October. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

40. Kotsonas, E., Bakaloudis, D., Papakosta, M., Goutner, V., Chatzinikos, E., & Vlachos, C. (2017) Food habits and food

          provisioning rate of Lesser Kestrels (Falco naumanni) in Thessaly. 18th Congress of Hellenic Forestry Society. Pages

          542-547. Edessa, 8-11 October.

41. Benou, C. & Bakaloudis, D. (2017) Assessment of methods for estimating population of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in

         Chrysopigi, P. Serres. 18th Congress of Hellenic Forestry Society. Pages 568-574. Edessa, 8-11 October.

42. Chatzoudi, S. & Bakaloudis, D. (2017) Meta-analysis of logging activities on bats. 18th Congress of Hellenic Forestry

         Society. Pages 557-567. Edessa, 8-11 October.

43. Kotsonas, E., Bakaloudis, D., Vlachos, C. & Abraam, E. (2018) Effect of livestock grazing on the structure of bird communities

       of the pseudo-alpine zone. Pages XX-XX. Larisa, 9-12 October. (In Greek with English Summary).

44. Makridou, K., Thoma, C., Bakaloudis, D. & Vlachos, C. (2018) So similar, yet so different: Factors affecting the presence of two

       tortoise species. 9th Panhellenic Rangeland Conference, Larisa, 9-12 October. Pages 393-400. (In Greek with English


45. Thoma, C., Makridou, K., Bakaloudis, D. & Vlachos, C. (2018) Landscape factors associated with the presence of two

       Columbid species in Evros district. 9th Panhellenic Rangeland Conference, Larisa, 9-12 October. Pages 361-368. (In Greek

       with English Summary).

46. Makridou, K.N., Thoma, C.T., Bakaloudis, D.E. & Vlachos, C.G. (2019) Birdstrike risk assessement at “Makedonia” airport of

       Thessaloniki, Greece. 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions,

       Thessaloniki, page 107.

47. Makridou, K.N., Thoma, C.T., Bakaloudis, D.E. & Vlachos, C.G. (2019) Bending the rules: sexual size dimorphism and

       geographic variation patterns in the Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni boettgeri). 14th International Congress on the

       Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, Thessaloniki, page 106.

48. Iezekiel, S., Themistokleus, K., Iezekiel, E., Bakaloudis, D.E., Vlachos, C.G., Kosicki, J.Z., Yosef, R. (2019) Cyprus Scops Owl

      (Otus cyprius) nest-box breeding program 2015-2018. 6th World Owl Conference, 29 November – 2 December 2019, Pune,


49. Thoma, C.T., Makridou, K.N., Bakaloudis, D.E. & Vlachos, C.G. (2019) Migration vs. predation avoidance: age-related

       morphological adaptations in wing shape of Turtle Doves (Streptopelia turtur). 14th International Congress on the

       Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, Thessaloniki, page 156.

50. Thoma, C.T., Makridou, K.N., Bakaloudis, D.E. & Vlachos, C.G. (2019) Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) relative abundance

       patterns in Evros district, N.E. Greece. 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent

       Regions, Thessaloniki, page 157.


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