Professor in Wildlife Ecology and Management
in School of Forestry and Natural Environment
Bird ringing
A ringing scheme initiated at the Forest-Botanic garden of School of Forestry & Natural Environment (A.U.Th.). Ringing is important to understand bird movements, migration, demography, number and different species with the aim for their conservation.

More than 300 Lesser Kestrels (juveniles and adults) ringed every year since 2009
Population estimation

Red deer (Cervus elaphus) population estimation using different techniques

Brown hare (Lepus europaeus) population estimation using pellet counts
Population monitoring of the Lesser Kestrel

Male lesser kestrel incubating eggs
in artificial nest-box (Armenio, Thessaly)

Every year, more than 300 lesser kestrel chicks produced from nest-boxes which have been established in Thessaly since 1999
An artificial colony was established in Thessaly (Armenio) since 1999
Satellite tracking, ringing and morphometric recording of Eurasian Black Vultures in Dadia National Park

Satellite transmitters were fitted on juveniles, immatures and adults Eurasian Black Vultures (Aegypius monachus) for gathering information on movements, daily activities, home range size, and possible threats
Morphometric (head) measurements